Children at the age of 3 or even less are admitted to nursery, then lower K.G., then K.G. Is the purpose of ‘education’ behind this? Or is the purpose to get rid of a child during working hours of employed parents?
Primary education and even secondary education is the real need to obtain basic minimum knowledge about languages, arithmetic, science and civics.
Why for college education? Is it for enlightenment? Never. It is pursued with no other object than making oneself eligible for some job or for gaining know-how for starting a profession or business. Are not majority of the college students wandering without any destined academic path or purpose? Are not many students just taking admission in the college because they get some maintenance allowance or free-ship or scholarship? How many of these students are really serious about college education? Lot of precious time is wasted in youth in taking college education which afterwards may prove useless. Students do not know the proper avenues which suit their capabilities and intelligence. Parents are not fully aware and studied in current situations in education and job opportunities. Sky-rocketing fees for certain fields of education may be a stumbling block. Rat-race in education is crushing the finer, subtle feelings and spirit of the students. They are becoming simply a part of the machine. The ship of the education is navigating without a captain in control and also without a rudder. No doubt, the number of degree holders, post-graduates and even doctorate degree holders is increasing at a very fast speed. But how many of these college educated students settle comfortably in their life? Number of colleges is increasing, number of Universities is also increasing, number of degree holders is consequently increasing. But what is the end-result relevant to life? It is far from being satisfactory. Should we call this state of education-in-the-blowing as a sign of growing health of education or growing oedema of the education?
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