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जिंदगी गुजर गई सबको खुश करनेमें ... जो खुश हुए वो अपने नहीं थे ... जो अपने थे वो कभी खुश नहीं हुए ...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A woman during dining out summoned her waiter and requested that the air-conditioning be turned down. Minutes later, the same woman was fanning herself and she again summoned the waiter, asking that the air-conditioning be turned up. As her complaints continued, a man seated at the next table called the waiter.

“She must be driving you crazy?” he said, “making you turn the air-conditioning up and down like that”.

“Not at all”, the waiter replied, “I am driving her crazy. We don’t have air-conditioning”!

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